Typo­gra­phy is the art and tech­ni­que of arran­ging type to make writ­ten lan­guage legi­ble, rea­da­ble and appe­al­ing when dis­play­ed. The arran­ge­ment of type invol­ves sel­ec­ting type­faces, point size, line length, line-spa­cing (lea­ding), let­ter-spa­cing (track­ing), and adjus­ting the space within let­ters pairs (ker­ning).

Typo­gra­phy is the art and tech­ni­que of arran­ging type to make writ­ten lan­guage legi­ble, rea­da­ble and appe­al­ing when dis­play­ed. The arran­ge­ment of type invol­ves sel­ec­ting type­faces, point size, line length, line-spa­cing (lea­ding), let­ter-spa­cing (track­ing), and adjus­ting the space within let­ters pairs (ker­ning).